This main objective will be tackled through the following specific objectives:
– To enhance the market uptake of this innovative solution with the development of bankability tools such as technical standards ready to be included in contractual frameworks as well as design and simulation tools to guarantee its economical return in project finance frameworks.The quantitative objective is to generate a real market of 6GW of large-scale systems in the first ten years of exploitation of the result. This means a total business of 9,000M€, of which the big companies of the consortium will have a mean penetration of 7%, with an estimated turnover of 905M€.
– To enhance the market replication through the development of market, financial and regulatory tools for the elimination of barriers and through the dissemination of the application among the potential end-users. The quantitative objective is to reach 30,000 potential users at the end of the project.
– To contribute to the implementation of the EIP Water priority “Water-Energy Nexus”, and also to increase the innovation capacity of the EU companies based on a trans-disciplinary approach water-energy. Apart from the big companies of the consortium, the quantitative objective is to transfer the knowledge to at least 20 SMEs in Europe through licenses of the resulting patents of the project.